Postupně jak nyní najíždí seriová výroba v Horní Suché , začíná prodej  energetických úložišť od 100kWh a  rychlo-dobíječek aut.  
Nyní se připravuje prodej malých solárních úložišt pro rodiné domky do 50kWh. Pokud máte zájem , zašlete nám poptávku ZDE: (aktualizováno 19.4.2022)


Mobile container charging EV stations He3da 250 kWh (2 x 90kW)
0.00 € 0.0 EUR
On demand. The high-capacity energy fast charger is ideal for places where electrical power is insufficient. (Gas stations, shopping malls, cities, municipalities, etc.)
Mobile container charging EV stations He3da 250 kWh (2 x 75kW + 1 x 150kW)
0.00 € 0.0 EUR
On demand. The high-capacity energy fast charger is ideal for places where electrical power is insufficient. (Gas stations, shopping malls, cities, municipalities, etc.)
Mobile container charging EV stations He3da 250 kWh (4 x 75kW + 2x 90kW + 2 x 150kW)
0.00 € 0.0 EUR
On demand. The high-capacity energy fast charger is ideal for places where electrical power is insufficient. (Gas stations, shopping malls, cities, municipalities, etc.)