Nyní se připravuje výstavba nové velkokapacitní linky na výkonné energetické články He3da, právě vhodné pro velká BESS úložiště , s těmito přednostmi (z 28.11. 2024): 
                      - vysoká životnost počet cyklů více než 5000
                      - vyšší výkon úložiště 0,5 - 0,8 C 
                      - velice krátké časy najetí úložiště 0,4ms
                      - nižší vlastní spotřeba celého úložiště díky mnohem jednodušímu manegamentu a klimatizování
                      - 100% recyklovatelnost
                      - garance na počet cyklů
                      - nezávislost na asijské technologii

                       Vhodné pro flexibilitu sítí,  pro posunutí denních diagramů solarních a větrných parků, záložní zdroje aj


                      HE3DA Li-ion battery 1,3 kWh (320Ah, 4V) 0.5 mm Power Line f
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      Safe, robust and recyclable cell for high-performance applications. Suitable for EV charging stations, UPS-backup power sources for production lines, steel mills, hospitals, etc., where it is necessary to supply a large amount of power in a short time, e.g., before backup diesel generator start-up.
                      Powerbox HE3DA Li-ion battery set 9 kWh 24 V for houses and small companies
                      6,942.00 € 6,942.00 € 6942.0 EUR
                      These unique Czech batteries will safely (they never burn) store electricity for the evening when you come home from work. The expected battery life with 20% capacity loss is approx. 15-20 years.
                      HE3DA Li-ion battery box 17 kWh 48 V for houses and small companies
                      13,884.00 € 13,884.00 € 13884.0 EUR
                      These unique batteries will safely (they never burn) store electricity for the evening when you come home from work. The expected battery life with 20% capacity loss is approx. 15-20 years.
                      Accessory: EV charger
                      HE3DA EV charger  1x 230 V/20 A
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      Accessory for HE3DA power plants.
                      100 kWh HE3da containerised energy storage
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      High-capacity energy storage systems are suitable for solar and wind farms, charging stations in city centres, backup power supplies of manufacturers and hospitals, etc.
                      150kWh He3da containerised energy storage system
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      High-capacity energy storage systems are suitable for solar and wind farms, charging stations in city centres, backup power supplies of manufacturers and hospitals, etc.
                      250 He3da kWh containerised energy storage system
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      High-capacity energy storage systems are suitable for solar and wind farms, charging stations in city centres, backup power supplies of manufacturers and hospitals, etc.
                      0,9 MWh 20 ft containerised energy storage system
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      High-capacity energy storage systems are suitable for solar and wind farms, charging stations in city centres, backup power supplies of manufacturers and hospitals, etc.
                      2 MWh 40 ft containerised energy storage system
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      High-capacity energy storage systems are suitable for solar and wind farms, charging stations in city centres, regulator-stabilizer of enegetic networks, backup power supplies of manufacturers etc.
                      2,688 MWh 40 ft containerised energy storage system
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      High-capacity energy storage systems are suitable for solar and wind farms, charging stations in city centres, regulator-stabilizer of enegetic networks, backup power supplies of manufacturers etc.
                      Mobile container charging EV stations He3da 250 kWh (2 x 90kW)
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      On demand. The high-capacity energy fast charger is ideal for places where electrical power is insufficient. (Gas stations, shopping malls, cities, municipalities, etc.)
                      Mobile container charging EV stations He3da 250 kWh (2 x 75kW + 1 x 150kW)
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      On demand. The high-capacity energy fast charger is ideal for places where electrical power is insufficient. (Gas stations, shopping malls, cities, municipalities, etc.)
                      Mobile container charging EV stations He3da 250 kWh (4 x 75kW + 2x 90kW + 2 x 150kW)
                      0.00 € 0.0 EUR
                      On demand. The high-capacity energy fast charger is ideal for places where electrical power is insufficient. (Gas stations, shopping malls, cities, municipalities, etc.)